22nd June 2007

Woah, I’m going to Barbados …

posted in A Moose's Life |
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Courtesy of Chris at Holiday Watchdog and Affiliate Future, many thanks to their kind generosity, I am off to Barbados this morning for a week, after only just getting back from Affiliate Fat Camp in Portugal last Saturday. I am naturally going to miss my children, as we have only had a few days to catch up especially with it being my birthday this saturday, it means I won’t be able to share it with them, which will be a first. However, they did spoil me rotten on Fathers Day last Sunday. 🙂

I have no idea what to expect in Barbados, as I haven’t been there before, or who the affiliate crowd going will be, so here’s hoping to a good time.

There are currently 2 responses to “Woah, I’m going to Barbados …”

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  1. 1 On June 22nd, 2007, Mark said:

    Hi Paul

    Hope you have a great time in Barbados.

    Also many happy returns for Saturday.



  2. 2 On September 5th, 2007, SUHILS said:

    Hope you Went on Coconut Airways!!!!!!

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