8th March 2007

Grubby Little Affiliates

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Arose to the world today to be a little bemused by the latest blog read on Clarke’s personal blog about ASOS calling affiliates Grubby. Go over there & have a read at Clarke’s Affiliate Marketing Blog . Real handbags at dawn stuff & relatively unsurprising that ASOS should refer to affiliates as unfastidious or unkempt though perhaps if anyone saw what attire I sat around all day in, it would be enough to give anyone a traumatic nightmare, the wally might actually have a point.

Cantbarsed (who was their affiliate of the year), sums it up nicely about ASOS taking their ball home & quote : “ASOS turned their affiliate program into a virtual torture chamber and by no co-incidence shortly after affiliate marketing superhero Jess Luthi escaped her corporate shackles and took the ASOS brain cell with her.”

However, is this the perception that a small handful of networks & some merchants actually perceive affiliates, but Nick Robertson at ASOS (A Silly Old Sausauge) is the only one to publically have the gull to come out and say by denouncing affiliates. Perhaps this little insight may bring out more uncouth Ratner style comments by jumping on the bandwagon.

It will be curious to see which network, who will discredit themselves in the process, takes them onboard in the future, claiming they will be able to sort it out with affiliates, so much so it might be worth running a book on it. Who’s my money on, hmm well, here’s a clue “way hey man, we have them sorted”

Does this lay down the gauntlet to challenge affiliates to readdress the comment, well no not at all, sticks & stones & all that stuff. Treat them like amoeba brained pond spawn, if they come knocking at your door. Let the fool wallow in his zest pool of self-righteousness … Forget them & move on.
However I do wonder how a more volatile forum in the USA like ABestWeb may react.

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  1. 1 On March 8th, 2007, Hero said:

    “However, is this the perception that a small handful of networks & some merchants actually perceive affiliates, but Nick Robertson at ASOS (A Silly Old Sausauge) is the only one to publically have the gull to come out and say by denouncing affiliates. Perhaps this little insight may bring out more uncouth Ratner style comments by jumping on the bandwagon.”

    I have been thinking exactly the same thing – so many companies aspire to ASOS and their success with online marketing and with affiliates (despite the xmas events) that their attitude and comments have the potential of creating an avalanche or similar reactions, even from very small merchants. Personally, I have to deal with comments such as Robertson’s from various ill-informed marketing guys on a daily basis, and up until now they were just expressing “thoughts” – they will now use this as a fact of life: affiliates discredit your brand, disregard your guidelines, steal your sales, are spotty teenagers working from their uni rooms to pay for their porn downloads…
    More and more merchants jump on dubious affiliate restrictions, trying to “protect their brand”, I wonder how many more will be driven to doing that just because Asos said so.

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