14th December 2006

Are Commission Junction the School Playground Bully?

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If you view the right hand side margin, you can see we have a “Mooses Network League Table” of how we rank affiliate networks, who have affiliate programs belonging to merchants we currently deal with. As you can see Commission Junction are firmly & deservedly rooted amongst last place for a multitude of reasons which would be too long a story with multiple instances to enter within one simple blog entry.

This is not a direct reflection of the programs or merchants on their network, whereby there a considerably number we would like to promote more extensively than what we currently do by delivering the volume & quality custom, but sometimes you get a network which is a hinderance to both affiliate (s) & merchant (s) for that realtionship to flourish.

Commission Junction have nearly always be the bane of our lives for a multitude of reasons, the aggregate of minor problems we have had with any other network since being an affiliate cannot compare to those we have endured with CJ. Unfortunately we share that discomfort with other fellow colleagues who have been in industry for quite a while pre 2000.

Remember it was a group of us on this side of the pond in the United Kingdom, who pioneered the beating or the massive withdrawal / retreat of spyware / adware & stopping networks for using these companies to a certain degree.

In our opinion CJ were one of the reluctant to change. As we jointly tackled CJ UK from these shores & even brought it up at CJU in Santa Barbara about 3 years when they were perceived to be in denial claiming it wasn’t illegal or unethical. However that is just one minor encounter from history.

Maybe one day I’ll bore you to tears over a jar about the trials & tribulations of Commission Junction. But to get on track, I want to pose the question:

Are Commission Junction the School Playground Bully?

In my personal opinion, YES they are and I will elaborate examples gradually through the history of this blog as it flourishes.

But one thing for sure with these bullies, the only way to tackle them is to square up to them nose to nose & let their clients & fellow affiliates (on forums) know exactly why they are potentially on the wrong network, and that wrong network being Commission Junction.

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  1. 1 On January 23rd, 2008, Commission Junction - If You Pay Peanuts, You Get Monkeys » Affiliate Marketing Blog said:

    […] Are Commission Junction the School Playground Bully? […]

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