16th May 2007

Affiliate Managers Losing Their Jobs?! Well This is One Way.

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Clarke wrote his first article on the new Affiliates4u forum today, called How to instantly kill your Affiliate Program (PPC side)! by Supercod

Which I thought was another angle to look at affiliates using paid search to promote merchants.

“I was told by our PPC Agency that Affiliates are bad and that I should not allow them to use our sites URL in any direct to site PPC activity. After I done this our Affiliates deserted us in droves including the guys I thought only done SEO. Our sales took a nose dive and I was fired as you don’t need an Affiliate Manager if you have no active Affiliates. I am still looking for a job, but no one will hire me after they heard what I done :-(”

Click Here for Rest of Article

My Comment: The introduction of brand name bidding restrictions, on what is a low hanging fruit, I have no problems with, except for the cartels, lack of notice in changes etc.

However, as for display url restrictions, well that is simply castrating the program, along with what Kieron mentions in his blog

But going back to Clarkes article, what is the “longtail” of it all? Quite simple really, the income derived from the override networks receive will diminish. There are possibly a couple of networks who’s survival is probably dependent upon this (apart from the revenue generation from good quality cashback sites). Why do you think that the odd one has their own little cartel op in progress? Unless networks innovate of course.

Therefore with a few networks, if you take away brand bidding closed groups, they possibly don’t actually have a sustainable business model.

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