18th April 2007

Affiliate Fat Camp

posted in A Moose's Life, Affiliate Marketing |
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Many affiliates are what can only be politely referred to as possessing a physique which is considered portly, which is a natural side symptom of what goes with the territory when you are involved with affiliate marketing.

I am in the process of arranging an Affiliate Fat Camp, with a select few friends & business colleagues to spend 7 to 9 days in Portugal to enjoy a healthier lifestyle of exercise, good food and debauchery with the aim of losing a few pounds by the end of excursion, together with discussing new ideas and generally having a great time with friends & colleagues …

Because all of us will be leaving our good ladies at home, we have promised to leave out the debauchery. (Why have hamburger, when you can have steak at home)

The exericise regime is still to be finalised, it will be a mix of activities. However, to earn a beer .. and you cannot deny an affiliate a beer .. they would have to do 20 press ups between each beer to earn just one bottle.

However, we will have CCTV at the villa, with an option which yet to be voted on, whether or not to screen this live online in the form of a Celebrity Affiliate Fat Camp maybe to the extreme of Big Brother style diary room. It will depend what everyone else is up for or whether we wish to keep our flab under wraps.

Whatever is decided, those that have been approached so far are looking forward to it.

There are currently 2 responses to “Affiliate Fat Camp”

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  1. 1 On April 19th, 2007, Julie Hegarty said:


  2. 2 On May 3rd, 2007, Frostie said:

    Why not have Hamburger followed by ‘Steak Chaser’?

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