25th March 2008

Look After The Pennies and the Pounds Will Look After Themselves

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It looks like another big bear hug is in order for the guys up at Paid On Results with their latest development catering for expired links and closed programs.

Dead Links are Alive! … Like a phoenix which rises from the ashes ensuring that those potential extra pennies find their way into the coffers of affiliates.

  • “Paid On Results launch a unique way for Affiliates to deal with expired links. In the ideal world, as Merchants close a program, Affiliates will nip on and remove the links replacing them with relevant new Merchants. However, we are very aware that the time involved in just hunting down the links over a number of sites can be very time consuming and, as one large affiliate pointed out, some times a few links get lost in the mix and are very hard to track down. “

Now affiliates have their own preferences on how they wish expired links to be treated, from the options below it seems they have catered for a vast majority of choices which include:

  • “Display the standard expired Merchants page, with related Merchant links.”
  • “Display your own customised expired Merchants Page. You design it and we automatically insert the most relevant Merchants from our Network.”
  • “Continue to redirect to the expired Merchant as normal. Of course no commission will be paid.”
  • Redirect to any URL of your choice.” (My Personal Preference)
  • You can even show related Merchants links with the cut and paste in code that we provide.”

By default, if you do nothing, they will display the standard expired Merchants page, with related Merchant links.

This will all cater for all historical programs within Paid On Results, for example you can send the visitor back to a page on your site and show relevent merchants along with your own content.

The system is about you sourcing & removing your dead links whilst the information emails come in, so you at least have the benefit of potentially making some money in the short term until you have removed the dead links, where previously you were making zilch.

It doesn’t just stop there, if that wasn’t enough, you are even alerted to potential sales from the defaults page for merchants you might not be signed up with.

  • “If one of the related Merchants we have chosen on the expired Merchants page is not one you’re an Affiliate of currently and if you make a sale via this Merchant you will be sent an email inviting you to join the program. If you do so within 7 days of the sale and are accepted (note currently we only show Merchants with an auto-join policy) then you will be rewarded with the sale. You should consider removing and updating your expired link with this new Merchant as clearly your customers are interested in buying via that Merchant should a sale happen. “
  • “The new system doesn’t just do all that, we will also email you every day with a list of expired link locations that have been clicked on (note that you do not get an email if nothing was clicked on). This will allow you to more effectively find and deal with old links on your website, and will hopefully lead to greater conversion as your site is full of live Merchants you can actively make money via.”

I am looking forward to seeing this in action, because when I view the reports on some other networks, I do see a number of clicks for merchants which have closed and don’t have the foggiest idea where they are coming from.

Even at this moment I am tediously spending a couple of days cross referencing programs across several networks whose can’t quite grab the conception of communication, perhaps it’s too long a word for them to comprehend. But from two of the four networks we feel are notorious for this. One had about 15 program closures we were not notified about & another was 40-50.

Cheers Paid on Results for looking after my pennies so that the pounds will look after themselves. Dead Links are Alive!

There are currently 2 responses to “Look After The Pennies and the Pounds Will Look After Themselves”

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  1. 1 On March 26th, 2008, Network and Merchant Innovation said:

    […] Dead Links are Alive! […]

  2. 2 On March 29th, 2008, vladimir said:

    Hello. I would like to talk with you about the advertisement at your Blog. Could you please contact me via email.

    Waiting for your email.

    Thank you

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