30th September 2008

Always Check The Label First

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Being an avid tea drinker, morning (or when I awake to the world) is normally greeted by a pint of tea, with two tea bags left to stew, milk and a sprinkled teaspoon of canderel. Then stirring 23 times clockwise then 23 times anti-clockwise. During the course of the day I may have a few of these to maintain my lucidity. Gulping them down rather than sipping with my little pinky protruding out which I call my darts finger.

So this afternoon I decided to go for coffee for a change, albeit it’s diuretic effect it tends to have on my bowels.

So there I am in the kitchen, two heaped teaspoons of “coffee”, plenty of semi skimmed milk & a teaspoon of canderel. Back I traipse down to my study, recline back in the chair with laptop on my Simpsons cushion lap tray, and take a huge gulp of “coffee”.

Before I know it I am pebble dashing the laptop screen.

It was a MmmBisto! moment.

I had only gone and used Bisto gravy granuals assuming it was the coffee sitting by the kettle jug.

So remember, always check the label first.

There are currently 4 responses to “Always Check The Label First”

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  1. 1 On September 30th, 2008, Shane said:

    better that than nescafe on your sausages and mash !

  2. 2 On September 30th, 2008, Doug - Mr Promotions said:

    Shane said you weren’t too bright, too much sunshine.


  3. 3 On September 30th, 2008, Paul said:

    OXO – Hugs & Kisses to the Mardy Bum’s.

  4. 4 On September 30th, 2008, Shane said:

    lmao .. I think the term I used was “he’s not tight” ! 😉 .. as in he’s a very generous person

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